( Nederlands komt hierna) For the Dialoogavond on 3rd February Noemi Bardas will be facilitating a movement workshop about egalitarian communities.What principles and skills can be learned through dance and movement to better function in such contexts/ This is based on her ongoing artistic research into self-organised communities which she has been working on over the past years together with Alkis Barbas and John Sawney.
Working through our bodies is an intimate and powerful means of dialogue. We meet different parts of ourselves and each other. In this session Noemi invites us to meet with compassion, trust and sensitivity.
Through accessible movement games and verbal and written reflection moments we will work on the individual, interpersonal and collective levels of working in community. We will find our individual expression in movement and research themes such as (decentralised) leadership, collective decision-making or conflict resolution. For the duration of the workshop, we experience a glimpse of what it feels like to be a self-organised community.
The workshop is given in English. Afterwards a podcast will be recorded. Register in advance.
About Noemi Bardas
Noemi Bardas (she/her) is a group facilitator and community developer with a trained sensitivity for physical and somatic practices and a curiosity for and expertise in self-managing organisations. Her facilitation approach is based on participatory processes, as much as improvisational movement practices. With these lenses, she explores the interactions between personal, interpersonal and societal fields: between one’s physical sensations, emotions and thoughts, and the physical, cultural and political environment. She facilitates people to move, discuss, make, reflect and to cultivate the ability to improvise and be creative within these complex realms.
About John Sawney
John Sawney (he/him) is a dancer and Early-Years educator in the UK. He is dedicated professionally to supporting people’s growth. John’s principle tools are movement exploration, practical mindfulness and compassionate communication (NVC). He bases his practice on the premise that learning is an emergent property of being in the world. He, thus, works to support and reveal that ongoing process, empowering people to lead their own exploration of this world.
About Alkis Barbas
Alkis Barbas (he/him) is a Netherlands-based Greek artist coming from a mixed background in contemporary dance, street theater, urban dance, contact improvisation, folk dances, and martial arts. Two themes that feed his inspiration are: playfulness – in perception, in story-telling and representation of life -, and what the body has to say. He explores them through his performing work as well as in leading workshops. Besides dancing, Alkis is growing as a facilitator of The Work that Reconnects (by Joanna Macy), weaving tools and experiences of both roles (dancer and facilitator) for mutual benefit.
Dokhuisavond met Noemi Bardas: Werken via ons lichaam is een intiem en krachtig dialoogmiddel’
Op de Dokhuis-dialoogavond op maandag 3 februari verzorgt Noemi Bardas een bewegingsworkshop over ‘egalitaire gemeenschappen’. Welke principes en vaardigheden kunnen via dans en beweging geleerd worden om beter te functioneren in dergelijke contexten? Noemi doet artistiek onderzoek naar zelfgeorganiseerde gemeenschappen, samen met Alkis Barbas en John Sawney.
Werken via ons lichaam is een intieme en krachtige manier van dialoog. We ontmoeten verschillende delen van onszelf en elkaar. In deze sessie nodigt Noemi ons uit om onszelf en elkaar te ontmoeten met compassie, vertrouwen en gevoeligheid.
Door middel van toegankelijke bewegingsspelen en verbale en schriftelijke reflectiemomenten zullen we werken aan de individuele, interpersoonlijke en collectieve niveaus van het werken in gemeenschap. We ervaren een glimps van hoe het voelt om een zelforganiserende gemeenschap te zijn.